


2022.10.12 イベント

The 2nd Symposium on the University Coalition for Carbon Neutrality

■ Theme: How should industry, government and academia collaborate to achieve carbon neutrality?
■ Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 15:00-17:10
■ Overview : he symposium opened with greetings from the organizers, MEXT, METI, and MOE, representing the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and Ministry of the Environment (MOE).
After greetings from the relevant ministries and agencies, Kitakyushu City and Kyushu Electric Power Company gave lectures on “Expectations for University Coalitions” from their respective standpoints, and HORIBA gave a lecture on the “Significance of Industry-Academia Collaboration” in order to provide suggestions for future industry-government-academia collaboration in the field of university coalitions. (Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.) gave a lecture entitled “Expectations for University Coalitions” from their respective standpoints.
 Based on the abovementioned three lectures, a panel discussion was held to identify issues for industry-government-academia collaboration, and a lively debate ensued.
 The video of the day can be viewed below (click here to go to the external site). Unauthorized use, reproduction, or secondary use of this video is prohibited.

■ Greetings from the ministries and agencies concerned 【Greetings by】 Yoshiyuki Chihara, Director General, Research and Development Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
 Mr. Yoshiyuki Chihara, Director-General of the Research and Development Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), gave his greetings in the hope that the activities of the University Coalition will contribute to the promotion of further cooperation between industry, government, and academia toward the achievement of carbon neutrality.

Yojiro Hatakeyama, Director-General, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
 Mr. Yojiro Hatakeyama, Director-General of the Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, METI, gave a speech introducing new initiatives for industry-academia collaboration promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, as well as his expectations for the activities of the Coalition of Universities and Other Organizations.

Mr. Yasuharu Ueda, Director-General for Comprehensive Environmental Policy, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
 Mr. Koji Ueda, Director-General of the Policy Coordination Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, gave a speech in which he evaluated the contribution of the Coalition of Universities and Institutions to decarbonization and solutions to regional issues, and expressed his expectations for the future.

■ Lecture ➀ Expectations for University Coalitions: From the Perspective of Local Government Officials 【Speaker】Mr. Jun Shiota (Engineering, Director, Renewable Energy Introduction Planning Section, Renewable Energy Introduction Promotion Division, Environment Bureau, City of Kitakyushu)

Mr. Jun Shiota, who has been promoting pioneering efforts in collaboration with industry, government, and academia, introduced Kitakyushu City’s efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, using specific examples, and spoke about the expectations for university coalitions from the standpoint of local governments.

■ Lecture ➁ Expectations for University Coalitions: From the Perspective of a Company Official 【Speaker】Mr. Toshiro Araki (General Manager, Planning and Regional Co-creation Group, Planning and General Affairs Department, Kitakyushu Branch, Kyushu Electric Power Co.)

 Mr. Toshiro Araki, General Manager of Planning and Regional Co-creation Group, Planning and General Affairs Department, Kitakyushu Branch, Kyushu Electric Power Company, which has concluded a partnership agreement with Kitakyushu City on decarbonization, introduced the scenario and action plan for decarbonization as an energy provider.

■ Lecture ➂ Significance of Industry-Academia Collaboration in University Coalition 【Speaker】 Mr. Hiroshi Nakamura (Executive Officer, General Manager, Business Incubation Division, HORIBA, Ltd.)

 Mr. Nakamura gave a lecture on his corporate activities with a view to creating a new energy industry, as well as his efforts in industry-academia collaboration, including joint research with overseas partners.

■ Panel Discussion Following the three speakers’ speeches, a panel discussion was held to discuss the theme of this symposium, “How should industry, government, and academia collaborate to achieve carbon neutrality?” The panelists were as follows:
Mr. Jun Shiota (Speaker #1) (Affiliation: see above)
Mr. Toshiro Araki (Speaker #2)
Mr. Hiroshi Nakamura (Lecture ➂: same as above)
Zero Carbon Campus WG Mr. Shinichiro Tanaka, Associate Professor, Chiba University of Commerce and Business
Regional Zero Carbon WG Dr. Shozo Kazami, Director and Vice President, Miyagi University
Innovation WG Professor Keiichi Ishihara, Kyoto University
Human Resource Development WG Dr. Sachi Ninomiya Lim, Associate Professor, Tokai University
International Collaboration and Cooperation WG Professor Taro Yamauchi, Hokkaido University
Dr. Juichi Yamakami, Director, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
 Dr. Masato Taniguchi, Deputy Director, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature